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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

$500 Reward offer for Return of Wedding Album left in Grass Valley

$500 Reward offer for Return of Wedding Album left in Grass Valley

$500 REWARD for the return of my wedding album.

My name is Vic Berkshire and my late wife, Marilyn, was the daughter of Glenndene Mann. When my amazing wife passed away in March 2017, Glenndene took all of our photo albums and other important memorabilia.

Her house in Grass Valley and was recently sold and was emptied. I am praying that someone may have seen my wedding album. The letters “L A K E T A H O E” are cut out of the wooden cover.

I’ll also offer an additional $300 for the return of the photo book on K-9 nosework. Our sire, Spyder Mann of the Berkshire Clan, is the featured dog, center and back cover.
After 12 years with the best person in the world by my side, I am only left with 1 photo of my wife and my memories!

I wrote “My Wild Sorrel Filly “, as a tribute to my wife, the love of my life. If you are interested in the whole story, my book can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
”If you have any information regarding any items listed, please call (206) 851-3693 and leave a message, so that I can return your call. Thank you “

Grit Row’s Pothier outpaces pandemic, looks to lift others

Grit Row’s Pothier outpaces pandemic, looks to lift others

Going, Going, GONE! TDAC Art Revival Sale Ends Jan 29th!

Going, Going, GONE! TDAC Art Revival Sale Ends Jan 29th!

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