All tagged Schools

School safety is no joke; let your kids know

We’ve all been young and made poor decisions, no doubt, but children and youths might not understand the levity of what seems like a harmless action. So, it is important to talk it through with kids so they understand that their idea of fun might land them in pretty hot water. With the last day of school set for Friday, June 10, parents might do well by having a quick discussion with their children about when jokes turn bad.

Local Lessons & Adventures in Learning Feb. 16

The Dalles School Teachers and D21 offer up some of the lessons and activities going on in their classrooms of late. Classes have been sending positive notes, drawing what love looks like, practicing for natural disasters. In addition, the district is working towards a strategic plan, will give a presentation on innovative learning on Thursday and is currently hiring for summer school.

Gov. Kate Brown said the long term benefits of heading off emerging mental health and academic crisis for students far outweighs the short-term risk of reopening schools. She asked that more schools be on track to safely reopen by Feb. 15. District 21 Interim Superintendent Theresa Peters said that will give the district time to absorb new guidance due from the state by Jan. 19. The district will also gather input from parents and staff.